Before making an inquiry, please read the following notes below.

Inquiry about Tokyo Conference Center Shinagawa

+81-3-5840-9840 (Business hours 9:00 to18:00 weekdays)

Please be sure to make your suggestion or inquiry as specific as possible.

Area Shinagawa 3rd, 4th & 5th Floor 1-9-36 Konan, Minato-ku Tokyo, 108-0075 Japan

Inquiry About BHIJ Group

Please be sure to make your suggestion or inquiry as specific as possible.

#NT402 Bunkyo-Garden North Terrace 1-5-1, Koishikawa, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112-0002 Japan

Notes before Making an Inquiry

  • We use your personal data for the purpose of replying to you and providing information.
  • Our affiliates and contractors may use the personal data to the extent necessary to carry out such purpose.
  • You can request us at any time to disclose, correct or delete any personal data on you that we retain.
  • In case we need to contact you other than by e-mail, please provide all the information requested. Otherwise, we may not be able to reply to you.
  • We aim to reply to you as soon as we can. However, please note that it may take some time for us to respond or that we may not be able to respond depending on the content.
  • If you would like to see our idea of handling personal information, please visit the BHIJ Holding Inc. Privacy Policy page.
  • For inquiries received on Saturday, Sunday, or during company holiday, we will reply on the earliest working day.